Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bug's Life

 During the summer holidays I have been taking photos of the insects I couldn't capture with my old camera, having such a slow shutter speed, my new one is great for close up shots and keeping focus on moving objects. I have also been trying to consider the backgrounds more carefully whilst taking photos, mainly thinking about interesting contrasts in texture and colour.

Grass hoppers and crickets are really interesting to photograph as they have a lot of character, as well as it being difficult to stop them from jumping. I love the perspective in this photo, it shows the dense foliage they live in really well and how they are so greatly camouflaged.

This spider caught my eye because of the deep red band across its otherwise white body, I liked how this was mirrored in the berries. I did notice after that there is dead woodlouse partially hidden under the leaf, which is a bit gross. 

Even though it isn't in focus the bee taking off really draws the attention, I didn't expect a bee to look so precise and delicate when flying around.

This is one of my favourites because I had tried to take photos of hover flies in flight before, but they had been to quick so came out fuzzy, this photo captured two, one flying. I love the lighting in this image it makes the insects shine like jewels especially the eyes, the colours are also very vivid almost exotic looking.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chesterfield College

A task to take photographs of various places in college, that describe the space without just taking a full shot of it, and thinking about what makes an interesting image.

Chesterfield College Entrance
 My favourite feature of the entrance in to college are the large "V" shaped pillars, holding up the bridged part of the main building. I think the geometric forms and sharp shadows make this an interesting photo. I also like how the space looks split up into various shapes, and the people underneath seem to hold it together like stitches.

West Block
 This photo is very fuzzy but I like the aged feel it gives. The most appealing part of the picture for me is the contrast between the dappled light from the leaves outside and the sharper metal window frames. This window is always the image that comes to my mind when anyone talks about west block.

Student services
Student services provides information, so I decided to photograph the large selection of leaflets they have on display. I like the repetitive lines in the picture, they give an great array of tones, I also love the one block of vivid green against a generally monochrome pallet of colour it gives a great focus for the image.

Finally, I think this is the most interesting photo, I like that there are three main colours that make up the majority of the photo. These are then pierced by brighter colours found in the patchwork of magazines on the back wall, and the two books on the table, to which your eyes are drawn. The best bit of this photo for me is the person moving in the background, you can't see there head, which works well as I find people make far less eye contact in a library than most other places, so faces mean very little.